Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And so it begins . . .

As I sit across the table waiting for dinner to start, I listen to my best friend Kristine explain to me what "Spring Fest" is. I made a tightly balled fist and try to get the feeling back into my fingers. The second day of classes of my second semester is coming to a close, and I am amazed at everything that God has brought me through already. Last night in the rec hall while eating cheesy bread and skyping across the table to each other, Kristine, Michael, and I were totally obsorbed in what we were doing at that moment. Suddenly I looked up from my lap top, and noticed someone I recognized from last semester, but didn't expect back, walking in. Aaron had amazingly gotten the money to come back for another semester of school. I squeeled out his name and was the first one up from the table almost upsetting my glass of water. Within seconds, at least 15 other students had surrounded Aaron, and were fireing questions at him like he was going to disappear never to be seen again.
Aaron had come back. Everones pride and joy, and yet the person who constantly teased! The brother and yet annoying aquaintence. The person you looked forward to seeing each day, and yet dreaded.
(*Takes another sip of my carmel apple cider) . . . Anyway, looking back on today's classes, I start feeling overwhelmed by everything I need to have done within the next couple weeks. I have to have an assignment for Computer class in next Friday, I have homework due on Tuesday for Aural Skills, I have a quiz on friday for English, and I have reading due for Historical Books as well. With all this already on my plate for classes this semester, it is easy to lose sight of what my main focus should be. My relationship with Christ.
As the days slowly get longer, but the temptrature keeps dropping. One of the students walks back and forth from outside and keeps piling the wood on the fire, making it crackle. Another female student laughs and playfully punches the guy that is sitting next to her, and then shakes her head and looks back down at her lap top.
This seen is not at all uncommon here at Northland. I can usually be found either with my best friends, studying, or practising in the Fine Arts Building.
One of my favorite things to do though, is to on a lazy friday evening, to gather with friends, and "might-as-well-be-family" and order a cheesy bread and play "Apples to Apples". It is a good way to unwind and relax, and put all the stresses of life out of our minds for at least a good four hours! :)
I have stopped being so homesick, and now the PTSA sets in . . . (Post Tramatic Seperation Axiety) sets in. Just kidding.
I'm realy excited about what God has in store for me this semester, but am equally excited about going home for the summer months . . . not so I can sleep (although I will be doing plenty of that) but so I can invest in other peoples lives, or so I can minister to others and be able to serve. He must increase, but I must decrease!

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