Thursday, July 1, 2010


I just received a very urgent prayer request from Dr. Matt Olson, the president at Northland International University. His family has been going through a lot lately. I can't help but think of 1 Peter 5:8 right now: "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." Satan is on the attack here. Please take the time to read the email & pray for this amazing family & servants for Christ.


Normally I would run this through our office as a prayer request but it is the weekend and I am in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - and really feel I need to get this out as quickly as possible to ask you to pray with our family.

Our son, Ross, has been leading a team of college students in Ghana, West Africa, for the past month. They have seen some incredible works of God. There has also been a lot of testing and spiritual warfare along the way.

We just learned a day ago that Ross had contracted some internal physical condition that is closing his esophagus, keeping him from swallowing and causing severe pain and internal bleeding. Efforts were made to get him out of the country and to a hospital in Europe but they would not put him on a commercial plane fearing he would not make the trip. We have been waiting for an air ambulance and it has finally arrived - praise the Lord. As I am writing this they have just taken off with him on an eight hour flight to Johannesburg, South Africa. We don't know what is causing all this - just that it is very serious.

Diane and I would covet your prayers for Ross. Most of all we want God to be glorified, and His purposes fulfilled - now and for eternity. We are also praying for healing, strength, and encouragement for Ross in the will of God.

He will be taken to Millpark Hospital, #9 Guild St. in Johannesburg. If you know of a missionary or person living there that might be able to help - please let us know. We know of no one at the moment.

We will try and give you an update as we are able. Our daughter Sarah Neighbors is keeping updates on Facebook - so that will be most current. Thanks so much.

Your friends and fellow servants,

Matt and Diane Olson

I cannot imagine the pain the Dr. and Mrs. Olson are going through as they sit by and pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17) for their beloved son Ross. Please join me and countless others in praying for this man of God.

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